Laptop Stickers: A Glimpse into the IT Culture

March 3, 2023

Olotu Derick

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Hello, everyone!
Today, I'd like to share a story about the stickers I've adorned my newly acquired MacBook Pro with. 
As many of you might already be aware, sticking decals on laptops has almost become an ingrained culture in the IT industry.
Let's dive into why this is a trend and discuss the stickers I've chosen for my own device.

When you first step into the IT world, it's surprising to see many professionals decorating their laptops with a plethora of stickers. These aren't mere decorations; they serve as expressions of individuality, affiliations, and interests. For instance, stickers might represent a specific programming language, framework, company logos, or even come from developer conferences and hackathons.

Adorning your laptop with stickers can be seen as a way to showcase your technical interests, experiences, and passion for the industry. Moreover, they can also act as conversation starters among fellow developers. For instance, spotting someone with a similar sticker can lead to discussions about shared experiences or technologies. Discovering a new sticker on a colleague's laptop can also be a gateway to learning something new.

On my recent MacBook Pro purchase, I've chosen stickers related to React.js, Go, and Python. My reasons for these choices are as follows:
1. React.js: I've been deeply involved in front-end development for the past few years, and React.js has been my go-to framework for building interactive user interfaces. The sticker serves as a tribute to countless hours spent perfecting my craft with this incredible tool.

2. Go (or Golang): Go has been a recent addition to my skill set, but its simplicity and efficiency in building scalable applications have made it a favorite. The sticker represents my appreciation for its design and my journey in mastering it.

3. Python: Python was the first programming language I ever learned, and it holds a special place in my heart. Whether it's web development, data analysis, or automation, Python has been a versatile companion throughout my career. The sticker is a nod to my beginnings and the vast potential the language offers.

If you've also decorated your laptop with stickers, I'd love to know which ones you've chosen and why 😎

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