Building a Data Monitoring System for Workflow Efficiency

24/7 Data Monitoring System Implementation


  • T Company and K Company jointly participate in various field sensors that continuously collect valuable data for research and analysis. However, due to various on-site issues, there have been instances of data collection errors or omissions. Both administrators and field workers lacked effective tools to access and analyze real-time data, leading to challenges in workflow efficiency and research reliability. A system was needed to address these issues.


  • We have developed a 24/7 monitoring system that can be utilized in real-world scenarios, allowing for real-time tracking of sensor data collection status and identifying missing data points. Additionally, we have integrated Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to quickly detect data distribution and potential issues. This system is designed to provide on-site personnel with rapid access to environmental information through near real-time data retrieval.

The monitoring system operates on our company's local servers, ensuring secure and accessible data monitoring from anywhere authorized by the company.


  • This real-time data collection and monitoring capability enables quick identification of trends and immediate responses to missing or anomalous data, ultimately enhancing productivity. Researchers benefit from the collection of precise and consistent data, which increases the reliability of their studies.

※ Please Note

A data monitoring system is a technology that allows you to keep a watchful eye on your data. It acts as a guardian, overseeing the flow of information within your organization. With this system, you can track, manage, and analyze your data to ensure its quality and integrity. It's like having a digital security guard that helps maintain the health and accuracy of your data, ultimately ensuring that your business operates smoothly and efficiently.

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