Developing a Community Platform for Artists

Design and Development of B Company's Community Site in South Korea


  • B Company, whose CEO is a graduate of the Youth Military School and a music teacher, realized that there were many communities out there, but none specifically for artists. They recognized the need for a community platform that would allow users interested in music to efficiently find information and have a personalized experience across various devices.

    With no prior experience in design and development, and finding it challenging to recruit skilled team members at a startup, they needed a partner who could quickly handle requirements planning, design, and development.


  • •Effective Data Management: Building member-specific databases and access control through user-level permissions.
    •Personalized User Experience: Implementation of a 'My Page' feature and integration with real-time customer support systems.
    •Convenient Login: Integration of login options through Kakao, Naver, and Google.
    •Multi-Functional Bulletin Board System: Separate boards, post/comment/reply functionalities, and internal post search feature.
    •Optimized User Experience: Responsive web design and special transition effects.

    👇🏽👇🏽 Customized from the planning and wireframe stages to meet your requirements.


  • •Enhancing Crop Management Efficiency:
We anticipate a significant improvement in farm crop management efficiency through the newly established data pipeline.

    •Securing High-Quality Data: 
By collecting real-time and accurate data from farm PCs, A Company's smart farming service has secured high-quality data.

    •Leveraging Platform Development: 
The reliably collected data can be leveraged for the development and expansion of platforms accessible to farmers and consultants.

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