Blockchain-Powered Music Copyright Protection and Trading Platform

Building a Blockchain-Based Music Copyright Trading Platform


  • Korean Company S, a music production and delivery company supplying music to large entertainment companies and places requiring music, was seeking a secure way to protect and manage the music of composers and lyricists. Relying solely on traditional methods posed challenges in achieving transparent copyright transactions and providing stable and fair income to composers and lyricists.


  • A need arose for a web-based system that could provide stable services across various devices and environments, without the complexities of going through intricate association systems, allowing all users to easily record and transparently trade information about copyrights.

    Through blockchain technology, music works were securely registered, and transaction records were protected. This enabled composers and lyricists to receive fair compensation for their creations.

    The system prioritizes user data protection through user and administrator authorization settings, network security communication (SSL), and adherence to Secure Coding guidelines.

    The system operates stably not only on PCs but also in various operating system environments and offers a Korean-language interface to enhance user accessibility.

    Based on Google Material Design, the user experience (UX) design ensures that the platform is user-friendly and intuitive.


  • Fair Compensation: Musicians receive appropriate compensation for their works through the blockchain-based platform.
    Data Protection: User data is highly secure, significantly reducing the risk of personal information leakage.
    Effective Management: Users can efficiently utilize the platform's features, such as artist registration, music playback and purchase, notice and inquiry management.
    4. Stable Service: The platform offers stable service across various devices and environments, leading to increased user satisfaction.

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Copyright © 2023 Seedbox LC. All rights reserved.